Hi, I’m gravely (he/him)

Selfie from December 2024 that I took at a kid's birthday party after showing my kid what he looked like in a party hat and then going to take a pic of him and his friends and oops the camera is backwards, might as well take a selfie first.

I post about books and music and other media I’ve enjoyed, new things I’ve cooked (a lot of pizza, lately), and walks I take in San Francisco, California, where I live.

I’m mostly on Mastodon lately and kinda not doing social networking anymore otherwise excpet for various private-ish group chats. I’m also on (derogatory) LinkedIn, I guess? It’s so weird.

I’ve been using gimme pizza slow (high quality), inspired by the eponymous edit, wherever I find myself needing a message of the day or banner for a while. Put it in (sic) the pizza.

This website is built using the Eleventy v2.0.1 and Bliss, by Łukasz Wójcik, which I clumsily hit with a hammer a few times, and hosted using GitHub Pages. I’m importing mastodon content using mastodon-markdown-archive. The typography consists of ET Book and Gill Sans.